Back Blaster.

Remember hard work doesn’t always
pay off immediately.

DB Renegade Rows
Rear Delt Rotations
Front DB Raise
DB Bent Over Row
One Arm DB Lateral Raise

3x through beginner
5x through intermediate
7x through advance

8-12 Reps Each
*Depending on where you are at in your fitness journey, I suggest starting small and building your way up to the higher numbers.

60 Second Rest Between Sets

Strong Center.

Stop doubting yourself.
Work hard and make it happen.

Heel Touches
Side V Crunches (R)
Side V Crunches (L)
Downward Dog to Plank Hold (15 Seconds)

3x through beginner
5x through intermidate
7x through advance

12 reps each
30 second rest between sets

Sculpted Arms

You are powerful, beautiful, brilliant, and brave.

Front Extension
Scarecrow Extension
Side Curls
Goal Post Press
Hammer Curls
Around the Worlds
60 Second Plank Taps

3x Through for Beginner
5x Through for Intermediate
7x Through for Advance

12-16 Reps
45 Second Rest (Between Sets)

Equipment - Light to Heavy Dumbbells

Leg Workout.

Where you are a year from now is a reflection of the choices you choose to make right now.

Dumbbell Lunges
Dumbbell Side Lunges
Kettlebell One-Leg Deadlift
Lunge Twist
Standing Dumbbell Calf Raise
Jump Squat
One-Leg Glute Bridge (R)
One-Leg Glute Bridge (L)
One Minute Wall Sit

3x Sets
12 Each (Easy Count)
Equipment -Medium to Heavy Dumbbells

Full Body.

Success is a series of small wins.

Round 1:
Step Forward Lunge back to Squat/Press
Squat & Curl
Alternating X Body Front Raise
Burpee Punch
Flutter Kicks

Round 2:
Sumo Clean & Press
Reverse Fly to Tricep Kickback
Renegade Row to Donkey Kick
Side Plank Leg Lift (Right)
Side Plank Leg Lift (Left)

2x Through
45 Seconds Each Exercise
15 Seconds Rest
Equipment Needed -Dumbbells (Light & Heavy Sets)

Core Strength.

It’s a slow process, but quitting won’t speed it up.

Plank Jacks
Mountain Climbers
Crossover Toe Tap Crunch
Russian Twist
Lying Leg Raise
Windshield Wiper
Full Sit-Up

Round One: 30 Hard Count
Round Two: 20 Hard Count
Round Three: 10 Hard Count

*Hard count means each side of your body does the same amount on one sided exercises.
Example: if you are doing cross over toe tap crunch, you should touch your right toes 30 times
and your left toes 30 times.
Each side is working the same amount.


Lower Body.

The grass is greener where you water it.

4 Sets/30 Seconds/15 Second Rest - Jumping Jacks
4 Sets/30 Seconds/15 Second Rest - Surrenders
4 Sets/30 Seconds/15 Second Rest - High Knees
4 Sets/30 Seconds/15 Second Rest - Squat Jumps
4 Sets/30 Seconds/15 Second Rest - Twisted Mountain Climbers

One Minute - Burpees with Push-Up


Upper Body.

Be obsessed with your own potential.

Side Plank with Arm Extension/Push-Up (Alternating)
Plank Jacks
Squat/Bicep Curl/Overhead Press
Upright Row/Hinge/Reverse Fly
Overhead Tricep Extension

* Minute Burpee After Each Round *

Round One: 60 Seconds
Round Two: 45 Seconds
Round Three: 30 Seconds



If there is no struggle, there is no progress.

Jump Squats
Elbow Plank with Leg Lift (Alternating)
Mountain Climbers (Hard Count)
Curtsey Lunge (Hard Count)
Tricep Dips
Negative Push-Ups
Plank Jacks

Round One: 14 Reps/30 Second Rest
Round Two: 12 Reps/30 Second Rest
Round Three: 10 Reps/Complete

* Hard Count = Each Leg or Arm Does the Same Rep Amount.
Example -14 Mountain Climbers = 28 Total (14 on left, 14 on right)



Good things come to those who sweat.

Round 1:
Jab/Cross/Roll B/Roll F - One Minute
Jump Rope -30 Seconds
Round 2:
L Up Elbow/R Up Elbow/L Slashing Elbow/R Slashing Elbow -One Minute
Burpees -30 Seconds
Round 3:
R Snap Kick/Switch Snap Kick -One Minute
Plank Jumping Jacks -30 Seconds
Round 4:
Jab/Cross/L Uppercut -One Minute
Squat Jumps -30 Seconds
Bonus Round:
Ground to Fight Stance -Two Minutes
High Knees -One Minute


HIIT Challenge.

Proudly addicted to becoming stronger.

Wall Sit
Quick High Knees
Plank Hold
Cross Body Mountain Climbers
Plank Crunches

45 Seconds Each Exercise
2-3 Rounds (Depending on your level)
1 Minute Rest Between Each Round

Lily McCleary Photography

Lily McCleary Photography

Booty Blaster.

Be Savage, Not Average.

Squat to Leg Lift
Dumbbell Donkey Kick
Glute Bridge (Dumbbell Optional)
Low Squat Jacks
Fire Hydrants

Bonus Move: Lunge Kicks

Round 1: 45 Seconds
Round 2: 30 Seconds
Round 3: 45 Seconds

Lily McCleary Photography

Lily McCleary Photography

Strictly Core.

The Secret to Success?

Oblique Reach
Reaching Plank (Opposite Leg/Arm)
Twisted Mountain Climbers
Bridge Lift
V Sit-Ups

Round 1: 30 Each Exercise
Round 2: 25 Each Exercise
Round 3: 20 Each Exercise
Bonus Round: Squat Jump for 1 Minute After Each Round

Needing more of a challenge?
Add Weights to Reaching Plank, Bridge Lift & V Sit-Ups.

Lily McCleary Photography

Lily McCleary Photography

Cardio, Cardio, Cardio.

Be stubborn about your goals.
Be flexible about your method.

20 Jumping Jacks
20 Squat/Side Leg Raises
20 Jumping Jacks
20 Burpees
20 Jumping Jacks
20 Lunge Twists
One Minute Plank Hold

3 Rounds/45 Second Break Between
4 Rounds/30 Second Break Between
Need More of a Challenge? Add Weights to Squats & Lunges.

Lily McCleary Photography

Lily McCleary Photography

Full Body Stretch.

Full Body Stretch Routine.
Helps you relax and get connected with your body.

-Moving your head to each side with a gentle pull.
-Reaching for the middle of your back with one hand and using your other hand to push down on elbow.
-Lay down on your back, both legs straight. One leg down, the other towards the ceiling giving it a gentle pull.
Inner Thighs
-Lay down on your back, both legs straight. One leg down, the other towards the side wall giving it a gentle pull.
-Lay down on your stomach, both legs straight. Lifting one leg to reach for your foot, giving it a gentle pull.
-Standing up by a wall, twisting your body one way while one arm reaches behind you.

Each stretch should be held for 15-20 seconds.
Find your breathing pattern and practice breathing deeper into each stretch.
Repeat stretch routine up to 2 times, finding yourself going a little further each time.

Lily McCleary Photography

Lily McCleary Photography

Back Burner.

Don’t Wait Until You’ve Reached Your Goal To Be Proud.
Be Proud of Each Step You Take Toward Your Goal.

Deadlift (Weighted)
Bent Over Row (Weighted)
Oblique Raises (Weighted)
Reverse Fly (Weighted)

3 Rounds:
First Round -60 Seconds
Minute Rest
Second Round -45 Seconds
30 Second Rest
Third Round -30 Seconds

Lily McCleary Photography

Lily McCleary Photography

Leg Day At The Gym.

Push yourself, because no one else
is going to do it for you.

Mile Run to Start.

Hip Adduction 16/14/12
Hip Abduction 16/14/12
Seated Leg Press 16/14/12
Seated Leg Curl 16/14/12
Leg Extension 16/14/12

30 Second Rest Between 16/14/12.
Minute Rest Between Each Exercise.

Lily McCleary Photography

Lily McCleary Photography

Cardio & Core.

Exercise is a celebration of what your body
can do. Not a punishment for what you ate.

40 Curb Hops/Sprint 10 Yards
30 Curb Hops/Sprint 20 Yards
20 Curb Hops/Sprint 30 Yards
10 Curb Hops/Sprint 40 Yards
One Round.

Flutter Kicks
Alternate Heel Touches
Glute Bridges
Round 1: 30 Reps
Round 2: 20 Reps
Round 3: 10 Reps

Lily McCleary Photography

Lily McCleary Photography

Full Body. Weights Needed.

Work Hard.
Nobody else is going to do it for you.

Round 1: Reverse Lunge/Overhead Press
Side Plank/Reverse Fly
Goblet Squat
Round 2: Plank Row
Jump Squats
Warrior Tricep Kickback
Round 3: Deadlift Front Row
Sit-Up/Chest Fly (At Top)
Squat Bicep Curl

Each Round 3x.
1 Minute, 45 Seconds, 30 Seconds.

Lily McCleary Photography

Lily McCleary Photography


A Little Progress Each Day Adds Up To Big Results.

Low Row
Chest Press
Chest Fly

Round 1: 16 Reps
Round 2: 14 Reps
Round 3: 12 Reps
