Upper Body.

Dreams Don’t Work Unless You Do.

16 Inchworms
12 Side Plank Arm Extension (Weights)
16 Walking Push-Ups
12 Side-Side Squat Swings (Single Weight)
16 Plank Jacks
12 Upright Row (Weights)

3 Rounds/1 Minute Break In-Between

Lily McCleary Photography

Lily McCleary Photography

Lower Body.

Discipline Beats Motivation.

Forward Lunges
Squat Jump
Glute Bridge
Low Jump Jacks
Donkey Kicks

Round 1 -1 Minute
Round 2 -45 Seconds
Round 3 -30 Seconds
30 Second Break Between Rounds
Needing More: Add Weights

Lily McCleary Photography

Lily McCleary Photography

Tummy Tightener.

Tone and Tighten.

Crunch (Straight Legs to Bent)
Glute Bridge
Plank Jacks
Oblique Raises (Weighted)
Plank Rotations
Burpees w/ Push-Up

4 Sets/45 Seconds Each Exercise/30 Second Break Between

Lily McCleary Photography

Lily McCleary Photography

Kettlebell Workout.

Work Hard. Play Harder.

25 Goblet Squats
25 Deadlifts
20 Presses (Each Side/Hard Count)
20 Swings
25 Rows
25 Upright Rows

Beginners: 3 Sets/2 Minute Rest In-Between
More Challenge: 5 Sets/2 Minute Rest In-Between

Lily McCleary Photography

Lily McCleary Photography

Shoulders & Back.

Train. Burn. Build.

Barbell Front Raise
Bent Over Barbell Row
Dumbbell Lateral Raise
Dumbbell Overhead Press
Upright Dumbbell Row

3 Rounds/1 Minute Break Between
Round 1: 16 Reps
Round 2: 14 Reps
Round 3: 12 Reps
Bonus Round: 10 Reps/Heaviest Weights

Lily McCleary Photography

Lily McCleary Photography

Tone & Tighten.

Tone. Torch. Tighten.

Lunge Curl
Single Arm Rows
Chest Press
Romanian Deadlift
Shoulder Press
Stepping Plie Squats
Sit-Up Pullovers

3 Rounds/45 Second Break Between
Dumbbells will be needed.
Round 1: One Minute
Round 2: 45 Seconds
Round 3: 30 Seconds

Lily McCleary Photography

Lily McCleary Photography

Fierce Full Body.

Fierce. Strong. Savage.

Squat & Press
Weighted Push Up & Rotate
Weighted Sit-Ups
Single Leg Bridge Up (Add weight, if wanting to be challenged)
Plank & Reach (no weights)

3 Sets/30 Second Burpees between each set
Each Round 1 Minute
Needing More? Increase burpee time.

Lily McCleary Photography

Lily McCleary Photography

Full Body Training.

Train the mind. Make savage the body.

Single Dumbbell Press
Banded 4x4 Walk/Jumps
Overhead Crunch Rotation
Renegade Row > Mountain Climber
Reverse Lunge > Press
Plank Jacks

3 Rounds/45 Second Break Between
Round 1: Minute
Round 2: 45 Seconds
Round 3: 30 Seconds


Medicine Ball.

All About the Medicine Ball.

20 Squat Throw Downs
20 Side to Side Chops
20 Lunge Floor Taps
15 Sit Ups/Overhead Press
15 Rolling Push-Ups (Push-up, roll ball to other hand, repeat)

3 Rounds/30 Second Break Between
Add rep counts, if you need more of a challenge.
Weight of the ball is up to you.
Don’t go to heavy, you do not want to injure yourself.
Start small and build your way up.


Get It Right. Get It Tight.

Tighten and Tone that booty.

Side Leg Crossovers
Jump Lunges
Hip Thrusters
Donkey Kicks
Bulgarian Split Squat
Glute Bridge to Leg Raise

3 Rounds/20 Rep Count
Needing more of a challenge? Add Weights.


Killer Abs.

Get those abs rock hard, or just burning.

Reverse Crunch
Double Crunch
Cross Body Mountain Climbers
V-Sit Ups
Downward Dog Push-Ups

50 of Each = 300 / 2 Sets
1 Minute Plank Hold

Want more of a challenge?
Increase that plank hold to 2 minutes.


Arm Burner.

Are you ready for those arms to burn?

Bicep Curls
Upright Row Dumbbell
Reverse Fly
Dumbbell Side Raise
Overhead Triceps Extension

3 Sets/Minute Break Between
First Set -16/Second Set -14/Third Set -12
You can always raise your rep count, if too easy.


Never Skip Leg Day.

Never skip leg day.

Glute Bridge 20
Lateral Leg Raise 10 (each side)
Squat Jump 20/Pulse 20 Seconds
Lateral Lunges 20 (easy count)
Bulgarian Split Squat 10 (each side)
Fire Hydrant Kick Back 12 (each side)
Wall Sit 1 Minute

3 Sets/Minute Break Between
Start with 10 minute light cardio.
You can always add weight to any movement to add a challenge.


Dumbbell Workout.

Get those DUMBBELLS ready.

Dumbbell Deadlift 20
Dumbbell Squat Press 20
Dumbbell Russian Twist 30
Dumbbell Bent Over Row 20
Dumbbell Renegade Row 20
Jackknife Sit-Up Crunch 30

3 sets/30 second break in-between.
Another simple, effective workout that can be done from anywhere.
Now, get to moving. No excuses.


Full Body. No Weights.

50 High Knees
15 Squats
15 Push-Ups
20 Sit-Ups
15 Leg Raises
1 Minute Plank

3 sets/30 second break in-between
You can do this workout anywhere.
It is quick, simple and effective.
As it gets easier, add reps and number of sets you complete.
Remember, you’ll feel and see results but you have to be willing to work for it.
Make the time. Stay committed.
