
Earlier this week I made an Instagram post about Transformation Tuesday because that’s a thing right?

Anyways, I thought about doing my usual spill about how I have lost 45 pounds (which I am super proud of) and posting side by side photos of myself, showing the weight I’ve lost and how far I have come. I got to thinking, though, that’s not what health and wellness is all about but that’s what we tend to see. ALL. THE. TIME. We tend to see the weight loss journey people go through and their (awesome) transformations. And don’t get me wrong, it is so great to see such amazing transformations and seeing people reach their goals. I am literally dancing in my chair right now, at the kitchen table, genuinely happy seeing people working hard and hitting unbelievable milestones.

BUT if I am being honest, that’s not what health and wellness is strictly about. We can’t forget to love ourselves. We can’t forget that our health and wellness is more than just a number on a scale or a number on a pair of pants. Of course I highly encourage you to take care of yourself -choose healthier foods, drink water, be active, etc. But when do we stop and remember that this journey we are on is more than just working out and eating right? When do we stop and remember that this is about loving ourselves from the inside-out too? I mean, when is that last time you truly sat back and smiled for no reason because life is just that damn amazing, and you can look at yourself with happiness and pride?

You will never truly be happy with your physical appearance, if you aren’t happy with who you are as a person.

Let me say that again…you will never truly be happy with your physical appearance, if you aren’t happy with who you are as a person.

8 years ago I was finishing up college.
I gained 45 pounds.
I wasn’t happy with myself.
Wasn’t sure what was next for me.
Drank a lot. Slept a little.
Did what I could to fit in.
Made some wrong choices.

It was such a hard time for me.
It was hard because I didn’t love myself.
It was hard because I wasn’t taking care of myself.
It was hard because I hated parts of myself. A lot.

Slowly I started to workout, make healthier eating choices and lose that “freshman” 45. But something wasn’t right, I was still so unhappy with who I was. How could I not love myself when I just reached my goal weight? What was wrong with me? Why couldn’t I just be happy?

I started to realize I wasn’t happy because I didn’t love who I was as a person.
I still had some serious work to do and it’s a beautiful thing to recognize that.
My transformation was becoming more than just about physical appearance.
My transformation had everything to do with learning self-love and acceptance.

Transforming isn’t always about losing weight.
Transforming is about letting go of the toxic.
Transforming is about embracing where you are going.
Transforming is about living each day with purpose.
Transforming is about never giving up.

I encourage you this morning, wherever you are at, to keep transforming into who you were meant to be. Not just transforming your physical appearance, but transforming how you love yourself. How you talk to yourself. How you live out each moment. Focus on the transformation that is going to propel you forward into you living your best life. You totally got this.



You go through it.
You heal.
You grow.
You conquer.

There is life after pain, heartbreak and suffering.
There is life after failure, disappointment and struggle.
There is life after hitting rock bottom.

Life has a way of working out in your favor, always.
Sometimes you just have to work a little hard and fight a little longer to find your way back to the light.
Find your way back to the life you know is yours and that you deserve.

I’ve been through it. I’ve been through the pain.
I’ve been broken and bruised (physically and emotionally).
I’ve been helpless and hopeless. I’ve been lost and scared.
But if there is one thing I know to be true, you never have to stay there.

There is help out there for you. You just have to be able to admit you need help.
You have to come to terms with where you are at and figure out what it is you have to do. For you.
And that’s a problem we tend to have. We don’t like asking for help. We don’t like admitting we messed up, we made a mistake. We don’t like showing our weaknesses. We don’t like feeling like we are the only ones who couldn’t get it right.

That was a problem I had and it is something that held me back. It held me back for 3 long years.
It held me back from living the life God had called me to live.
It held me back from going after my dreams and goals.
It held me back from being my most authentic self.
It held me back from a lot of things this life had to offer me.

How did I come out on the other side and how do I know you can do it too?
By the 4 simple steps I have laid out over these last 4 weeks…

-Go through it.

All of these steps are absolutely possible but they can be scary, and I get that.
But you have to start somewhere.
It starts with reaching out and asking for help.
It starts with admitting you took a wrong turn and it doesn’t mean it’s your fault.
It starts with knowing you deserve better.

We all go through something that changes us. That calls us on a different path.
That shows up who we are and what we are really made of. We all face challenges.
Life is no walk in the park. Not for one single person.
Don’t let social media fool you on that one.

Conquering life’s challenges and missteps begins with the moment you got through it, you start to heal from it and grow into the person you know you were meant to be.

This isn’t easy and trust me, I know from experience.
But remember, you are not alone. You are wanted.
You are needed. You are cared for. You are valued.
Don’t let the world and the darkness take this life away from you.

You were meant for so much more.
Keep fighting. Keep working. Keep being you.

There is life after all the bad shit that happened to you. You only need to go through it, heal, grow and conquer. Take it one day at a time. One step at time. You are so worthy of a beautiful life.

How do I know this?

Because I am living proof that through all the bad shit you can always come out on top.
You can always rise from the ashes and make this the life you know you deserve.

*If you or someone you know is going through domestic abuse, there is help out there for you or them. Visit for all the resources you need or if it is an emergency please dial 911. Nobody deserves to be mistreated. Don’t wait until it is too late.


My 100 Day Experience.

Recently I took part in a 100 Day Workout Challenge, and let me tell you it was definitely different.
That’s right 100 days STRAIGHT of working out. No breaks, no excuses. Just action.
I didn’t know if I had it in me to do 100 days but I sure was going to give it a shot.

Along the way, I started to see a change in myself from the inside-out.
I started feeling inspired again. I felt motivated and confident. I had purpose in each day.
That’s not to say there weren’t days I wasn’t feeling it either.
Some days it took every ounce of energy to get it done.
Whether I was at home, on vacation or just plain not in the mood, it got done.
I made a commitment to myself and I didn’t want to let myself down, not anymore.

I ended up losing 8 pounds, which is great for me. I’ve never felt better!
But I didn’t just gain the success of losing weight, I gained so much more.
I started feeling more confident in who I was, my capabilities. I started putting myself first.
I started realizing I can do anything I set my mind to.
I can be my best me every single day, I just have to choose ME.
I had a purpose for every day. I started creating even healthier habits when it came to eating.
I created healthy habits that fueled my mind with positive affirmations and thoughts.
I started to have a more positive outlook on life because let me tell you with all these uncertain times, I was starting to get worn down.

I shared my journey along the way with Instagram stories, progress photos and daily check-ins. Soon I started getting tons of questions of what I was doing and how good I seemed to be doing, overall. It was like my attitude and mindset shifted completely in a whole new way, in the most positive way. And let me tell you, it definitely did.

This workout program changed my life.
It changed the way I thought about challenging myself.
It changed the way I looked at myself and what I was truly capable of.
It changed my overall health and wellness.
It propelled me into the next chapter of my life.

All this because I decided to take that next step.
All this because I decided I needed change. I needed something.
All this because I decided to not let fear and uncertainty run my life.

I challenge you today to do something that gets you out of your comfort zone.
Stop staying stuck in a place that has you fearful of what comes next.
You are truly capable of anything you set your mind to.

Start that new workout program. Start that new career. Start writing that book. Start loving yourself, flaws and all. Start challenging yourself. Start stepping out of your comfort zone. Start letting go and just being. Start healing. Start living your life, again.

You are your only limit.


Simplify Your Life.

Life doesn’t always have to be crazy, chaotic and busy.
It can be simple, fulfilling and rewarding.
It can be these things even with the demands of life.

You have full control over your life. You get to decide what each day looks like. You have the choice.
You have the choice to begin again. You have the choice to make this life all that you want it to be.
And guess what? It doesn’t have to be difficult. It doesn’t have to be draining.

You can simplify things in your life and still get the most out of it. Change the mindset that if life isn’t full of plans, chaos and overworked days then you aren’t giving your all to your dreams and goals. Chasing after your dreams and goals doesn’t have to drain you. Will it be work? Yes. Will you have hard days? Yes. Will you have tiring days? Absolutely.

But every single day should not look that way, and if your days do then it’s time to simplify some things.
Below is a list of 10 things you can start right now, this very moment, today to simplify your life while still being a 100% badass in all that you do while chasing those dreams.

  1. Say “No” And Own It - be firm in saying no to things that don’t fit into your schedule or work right now. It is okay to say no. When you say yes to everything, you run yourself dry and you do things out of obligation instead of for pleasure. You will burn yourself out trying to please everyone. Start saying “no”, stand firm and start giving your best “yes”. And guess what? You don’t need to explain why you are saying no to this or that. Stop feeling guilty for prioritizing certain events or activities in your life.

  2. Time - find ways to be more productive, efficient and intentional with your time and how you are spending your day. Don’t waste time on things that don’t necessarily matter. We can find ourselves wasting our days away, whether that be binge watching a show, making excuses or scrolling through social media. Make each day count for something.

  3. Morning Routine - I talk about this one all the time. Your morning routine is vital to how the day ahead will be. If you are rushing around and agitated, guess what? Your day is going to be like that too. Create a morning routine that sets you up for a good day ahead.

  4. Evening Routine - this one is just as important as your morning routine. Prepare for the next day by setting your alarm, laying out your clothes, planning your meals and unwinding. Give yourself time to unwind and relax at the end of the day. Take a breath and prepare yourself for a good night’s sleep.

  5. Health & Fitness - find and create simplistic ways to incorporate healthy eating and exercise into each day. “I am too busy to workout and plan my meals”…no you aren’t and I don’t want to hear it. 1 hour on a Sunday to sit and prepare your meals is all it takes to create healthier eating habits. 30 minutes a day is all it takes when it comes to your fitness. Whether that’s a quick walk or exercise routine, you have the time. Figure out the time that works best for you and make it happen. You can watch Netflix for 5 hours straight, you can incorporate 30 minutes of movement into your day.

  6. Relationships - invest your time and energy into those that count. Stop draining yourself for people who constantly are bringing you down and making you feel exhausted every time you interact with them. Declutter that friends list.

  7. Personal Expectations - be realistic about your goals and what it is going to take to get there. Come up with one small plan a day that helps you get one step closer to obtaining that goal. Focus on your priorities and don’t overwhelm yourself with the big picture. Take it one day at a time.

  8. Organization - cut the stress by planning and preparing. Stop winging your life. Yes, it’s fun to take last minute trips and take part in new adventures but that’s not what I am talking about here. I am talking about waking up every day to the chaos. Create routine, healthy habits and a love for your life that gets you going every morning.

  9. Self-Care Routine - it is so okay to put yourself first, it is necessary. You are not being selfish for taking time to put your needs and wants first. It doesn’t matter what it is, you need to do it for yourself, your happiness and for those around you. If you aren’t taking care of yourself, you can’t be your best self for your life and for others.

  10. Ditch the Things That Bring You Down - start being intentional about making your life count. Do more of the things that make you happy and ditch the things that make you sad. When you start being intentional about how and who you are spending your time with, you start to realize what happiness looks and feels like. Try it.

These are 10 things that I started doing to simplify my own life and making each day count.
There are countless other things you can do, but this is a good start.
Give it a try, what do you have to lose?

I’m betting this is just the list you needed to see to start today. To start a whole new journey of creating peace, happiness and love in your life. All of it starts with you and how you decide to live out each day. Make the most of it. You only get one life, how do you want to look back on it?
