
Earlier this week I made an Instagram post about Transformation Tuesday because that’s a thing right?

Anyways, I thought about doing my usual spill about how I have lost 45 pounds (which I am super proud of) and posting side by side photos of myself, showing the weight I’ve lost and how far I have come. I got to thinking, though, that’s not what health and wellness is all about but that’s what we tend to see. ALL. THE. TIME. We tend to see the weight loss journey people go through and their (awesome) transformations. And don’t get me wrong, it is so great to see such amazing transformations and seeing people reach their goals. I am literally dancing in my chair right now, at the kitchen table, genuinely happy seeing people working hard and hitting unbelievable milestones.

BUT if I am being honest, that’s not what health and wellness is strictly about. We can’t forget to love ourselves. We can’t forget that our health and wellness is more than just a number on a scale or a number on a pair of pants. Of course I highly encourage you to take care of yourself -choose healthier foods, drink water, be active, etc. But when do we stop and remember that this journey we are on is more than just working out and eating right? When do we stop and remember that this is about loving ourselves from the inside-out too? I mean, when is that last time you truly sat back and smiled for no reason because life is just that damn amazing, and you can look at yourself with happiness and pride?

You will never truly be happy with your physical appearance, if you aren’t happy with who you are as a person.

Let me say that again…you will never truly be happy with your physical appearance, if you aren’t happy with who you are as a person.

8 years ago I was finishing up college.
I gained 45 pounds.
I wasn’t happy with myself.
Wasn’t sure what was next for me.
Drank a lot. Slept a little.
Did what I could to fit in.
Made some wrong choices.

It was such a hard time for me.
It was hard because I didn’t love myself.
It was hard because I wasn’t taking care of myself.
It was hard because I hated parts of myself. A lot.

Slowly I started to workout, make healthier eating choices and lose that “freshman” 45. But something wasn’t right, I was still so unhappy with who I was. How could I not love myself when I just reached my goal weight? What was wrong with me? Why couldn’t I just be happy?

I started to realize I wasn’t happy because I didn’t love who I was as a person.
I still had some serious work to do and it’s a beautiful thing to recognize that.
My transformation was becoming more than just about physical appearance.
My transformation had everything to do with learning self-love and acceptance.

Transforming isn’t always about losing weight.
Transforming is about letting go of the toxic.
Transforming is about embracing where you are going.
Transforming is about living each day with purpose.
Transforming is about never giving up.

I encourage you this morning, wherever you are at, to keep transforming into who you were meant to be. Not just transforming your physical appearance, but transforming how you love yourself. How you talk to yourself. How you live out each moment. Focus on the transformation that is going to propel you forward into you living your best life. You totally got this.
