Simplify Your Life.

Life doesn’t always have to be crazy, chaotic and busy.
It can be simple, fulfilling and rewarding.
It can be these things even with the demands of life.

You have full control over your life. You get to decide what each day looks like. You have the choice.
You have the choice to begin again. You have the choice to make this life all that you want it to be.
And guess what? It doesn’t have to be difficult. It doesn’t have to be draining.

You can simplify things in your life and still get the most out of it. Change the mindset that if life isn’t full of plans, chaos and overworked days then you aren’t giving your all to your dreams and goals. Chasing after your dreams and goals doesn’t have to drain you. Will it be work? Yes. Will you have hard days? Yes. Will you have tiring days? Absolutely.

But every single day should not look that way, and if your days do then it’s time to simplify some things.
Below is a list of 10 things you can start right now, this very moment, today to simplify your life while still being a 100% badass in all that you do while chasing those dreams.

  1. Say “No” And Own It - be firm in saying no to things that don’t fit into your schedule or work right now. It is okay to say no. When you say yes to everything, you run yourself dry and you do things out of obligation instead of for pleasure. You will burn yourself out trying to please everyone. Start saying “no”, stand firm and start giving your best “yes”. And guess what? You don’t need to explain why you are saying no to this or that. Stop feeling guilty for prioritizing certain events or activities in your life.

  2. Time - find ways to be more productive, efficient and intentional with your time and how you are spending your day. Don’t waste time on things that don’t necessarily matter. We can find ourselves wasting our days away, whether that be binge watching a show, making excuses or scrolling through social media. Make each day count for something.

  3. Morning Routine - I talk about this one all the time. Your morning routine is vital to how the day ahead will be. If you are rushing around and agitated, guess what? Your day is going to be like that too. Create a morning routine that sets you up for a good day ahead.

  4. Evening Routine - this one is just as important as your morning routine. Prepare for the next day by setting your alarm, laying out your clothes, planning your meals and unwinding. Give yourself time to unwind and relax at the end of the day. Take a breath and prepare yourself for a good night’s sleep.

  5. Health & Fitness - find and create simplistic ways to incorporate healthy eating and exercise into each day. “I am too busy to workout and plan my meals”…no you aren’t and I don’t want to hear it. 1 hour on a Sunday to sit and prepare your meals is all it takes to create healthier eating habits. 30 minutes a day is all it takes when it comes to your fitness. Whether that’s a quick walk or exercise routine, you have the time. Figure out the time that works best for you and make it happen. You can watch Netflix for 5 hours straight, you can incorporate 30 minutes of movement into your day.

  6. Relationships - invest your time and energy into those that count. Stop draining yourself for people who constantly are bringing you down and making you feel exhausted every time you interact with them. Declutter that friends list.

  7. Personal Expectations - be realistic about your goals and what it is going to take to get there. Come up with one small plan a day that helps you get one step closer to obtaining that goal. Focus on your priorities and don’t overwhelm yourself with the big picture. Take it one day at a time.

  8. Organization - cut the stress by planning and preparing. Stop winging your life. Yes, it’s fun to take last minute trips and take part in new adventures but that’s not what I am talking about here. I am talking about waking up every day to the chaos. Create routine, healthy habits and a love for your life that gets you going every morning.

  9. Self-Care Routine - it is so okay to put yourself first, it is necessary. You are not being selfish for taking time to put your needs and wants first. It doesn’t matter what it is, you need to do it for yourself, your happiness and for those around you. If you aren’t taking care of yourself, you can’t be your best self for your life and for others.

  10. Ditch the Things That Bring You Down - start being intentional about making your life count. Do more of the things that make you happy and ditch the things that make you sad. When you start being intentional about how and who you are spending your time with, you start to realize what happiness looks and feels like. Try it.

These are 10 things that I started doing to simplify my own life and making each day count.
There are countless other things you can do, but this is a good start.
Give it a try, what do you have to lose?

I’m betting this is just the list you needed to see to start today. To start a whole new journey of creating peace, happiness and love in your life. All of it starts with you and how you decide to live out each day. Make the most of it. You only get one life, how do you want to look back on it?
