Sitting Still.

Sitting Still.
- What does that mean?
- What does that look like?
- I struggle with this.
- There’s no way, I have to much to do.

I believe deep down we all struggle with sitting still. We are constantly on the go. We have a never ending to-do list that needs to get done. We have demands that have to get met. We have responsibilities that cannot wait. We have people that are counting on us to make life happen. We need to feel productive.

Can you relate? I know I can.

I have a really hard time with sitting still.
I have a problem with feeling like something is not getting done.
I have a problem with feeling lazy and unproductive.
I have a problem saying, “no” and taking on more than I can handle.
I have a problem with resting even though I know I need it.

I don’t know if you can relate but sitting still for me brings anxious thoughts. It causes me to overthink every single situation, every single word spoken by another. It causes me to create a false reality of my present moment. It causes me to become extremely emotional and at times, irrational. Do I mean to be this way? Absolutely not. Do I do this on purpose? Goodness no.

In these moments I have learned to show myself grace while also working on a solution because without a solution one can spiral -I am the first to admit that. In these moments I am honest with myself and those around me that it may be effecting. It is important to have an open line of communication with yourself and others -understanding and grace is key to coming out on the other side of this battle better than ever before.

What would it look like if we changed our mindset?
What would it look like if we gave ourselves permission to rest?
What would it look like if we gave ourselves permission to sit still?
How could it change our lives for the better?

I have 5 simple ways you can change your thought process. I have 5 simple reminders of why sitting still is vital to your overall health. I am not saying remember these 5 simple reminders anytime you feel guilty about sitting still and you will now feel ready to sit still whenever, wherever and not have a care in the world. But you do have to start somewhere, am I right? You have to be willing to start to find a solution that eventually works for you, in your own special way.

  1. Sitting still will bring me clarity -stillness is not a way to problem solve but it allows me a way to step back and gain perspective that I normally wouldn’t have in the middle of something that is troubling me.

  2. Increases my self-awareness -this allows me to be more aware of myself and who I am in the world. I notice myself and habits more, and I can take more ownership of things happening in my life rather than staying in a negative, victim mindset.

  3. Ability to listen to my own intuition -in stillness I am better able to silence negative voices streaming through my head and better able to tap into what is true for me. What is true of my reality.

  4. Anchoring myself in the present -all of my thoughts are often times focused on the future. The obstacles, challenges, endless tasks, and unknowns. This moment of stillness allows me to deal with what is and not what might be. To remind myself that living in the present allows me to create a better future.

  5. Connection to a higher power -this one keeps me grounded in knowing that my God is at work for my greater good. My story is part of a much larger story that is unfolding, not on my time but His. It allows me to see what He has already done and what He is currently doing without living in fear of the future because my higher power is conspiring on my behalf.

These are all things I am mindful of when sitting still and let me tell you it has been a game changer for me. I tap into each one of these and allow myself to focus on each one for a few minutes or however long I choose. There is no wrong or right way.

Sitting still is never a bad thing and the sooner we come to terms with this the better off we will be. Take time today to go over these reminders of why sitting still can benefit you and your overall health. Stop saying it’s impossible and make it possible even if it is only for a few minutes until you build your way up.

You totally got this.

Lily McCleary Photography

Lily McCleary Photography