"Where Do I Start?"

“Where do I start?” -the number one question I always get. I get it, it can be overwhelming. Do you start with a new “diet”? FYI, I hate the word diet -diets don’t work. Diets are for 3-6 months and then, end. No, I prefer lifestyle change because it is not an option to go back to what you were doing before. Do you start with working out? Do you start with therapy? Do you start with eliminating people that have proved to be toxic in your journey? Do you start with a massage? Hey, self-care is just as important, always include self-care.

So many different options and ways to start your new lifestyle. I get it, it can be overwhelming to say the least. Here is my unprofessional advice, start where you feel comfortable. There is no step that will be easier than the other, so just start. Start small and keep building. People tend to fail, in my unprofessional opinion, when they create too many goals at once. “On Monday I will start with eating so good, working out 2 hours a day, reading more, watching TV less, taking time for myself and leaving all those toxic people behind me”. Don’t get me wrong those are some good things, but you don’t have to do it all at once. You don’t have to overwhelm yourself thinking you have to do it all now. Let me repeat myself, START SMALL.

This is a lifestyle change, there is no easy step or fix. There will be days you succeed, and you are killing it. There will be days where you see yourself fail and you are struggling to get back on track. I cannot give you a magic pill and you suddenly have the “perfect” life. Let me be clear, life will never be perfect. Don’t be fooled with what you see online. People show you what they want you to see. We all struggle more than we can comprehend, so let’s start being honest about it. Part of your lifestyle change helps you understand that life isn’t perfect, but that you can find happiness in the imperfections that life throws at you. This is a journey, not a race. Take your time and find your footing.

So, back to “where do I start?” question and it’s a good question. Start with where you need help the most. I would suggest writing out your goals -write out where you want to see yourself in 3 years. I know what you are thinking 3 years?! That is a long time. It’s not, we all know how time can fly by. Remember, this is a JOURNEY. We are not in a race with ourselves or others. Stop with that mindset right now. You must give yourself time, time to change and create healthier habits for yourself. The shorter the timeline the more likely you are to fail.

For me, I started with therapy. I needed to get my mind right. I was constantly putting myself down, especially when I messed up. I was closing myself off to new beginning (and shocker, had no idea I was doing this). I felt like I wasn’t strong enough or good enough to have better. Let me tell you, therapy is life changing. It helps you understand yourself better. What better way to start a lifestyle change then learning to understand and accept yourself?

Now, if therapy is not your vibes right now, all good. You can start with making small changes. Start with ONE goal every week, and I mean a small goal. That goal can be to wake up every day and repeat a positive affirmation to yourself 10 times. Positive affirmations help you create a self-love for yourself that is indescribable. Self-love is so important but more on that later. You can start with reading a passage from the bible and remembering God’s undying love for you. You can start with not eating fast food for breakfast but making a simple one at home before starting your day or week. There are so many ways you can get started, but you must make the choice to start.

Today, I will end with a list of ways you can get started. Remember, don’t let it overwhelm you. Start with one goal at a time, one day at time. And don’t start working on another goal until you have mastered your first goal. TAKE YOUR TIME.

-       Start with a positive affirmation, daily.

-       Drink more water.

-       Limit your fast food intake.

-       Read a positive, uplifting book (aka self-help book).

-       Go on a morning walk for 10 minutes. Take in that fresh air.

-       Go through your contacts and block those toxic people. You don’t need them.

-       Clean up your Facebook friends list. You don’t know 5,000 people.

-       Stretch 10 minutes a day.

-       Start meditating.

-       Try a new recipe twice a week.

-       Look into therapy.

-       Dedicate yourself to trying a new workout once a week.

-       Schedule yourself a facial.

-       Write out your goals (remember give yourself TIME. So important).

Again, these are just a few steps you can take. There are so many more, but I hope this helps get you started. I hope this encourages you to just simply start. It doesn’t have to be hard; it is quite simple, and I hope to show you this. I hope to show you getting started doesn’t have to be daunting or miserable. It is all about the simple action of starting and continuing to grow through all your successes and failures. You can do this. Remember, always KEEP GOING.
