6 Simple Topics, Maybe 7.

Hopefully, after our last talk, you got started with your lifestyle change -wherever that started for you, whatever it might look like for you. I encourage you to keep going, keep pushing, keep kicking butt. I know you might have fallen off a few times, but you can always get back up. You are capable, you are strong, you are courageous, and you are a lot farther than when you started. I am proud that you made the choice to start and grateful you came back.

Now, what do I have in store for you today? I love talking about things that people typically would not talk about. Struggles we all go through but keep them hidden away in a dark, safe place, in fear of being judged or embarrassed. Let me tell you something about myself, I am an open book. I love sharing my journey. I love being vulnerable and honest with my journey, struggles and pain. I believe these things are what shapes us, these are the things that make us stronger. These are the things that create a healthier, happier lifestyle. It can be very scary being honest and putting yourself out there, I completely understand. But how much more pain are you causing yourself by keeping it all tucked away? How much are you holding yourself back by not dealing with what is really going on? How much are you allowing another to control you by not sharing your truth? Who could you be inspiring to continue another day by sharing your journey? That is my whole goal after all -to create an environment where you feel safe, accepted and not alone. To create a place where you feel understood and loved.

I want to touch on 6 topics for my next 6 blogs. I believe these topics are the top ways to create a healthier lifestyle and to create a happier you. Now, there could be many more obvious things that create a healthy, happy lifestyle but these are the things I have found the most success in. These are the things that have helped in me, my journey. I am not here to tell you lose 50 pounds, eat grass, workout 4 hours a day and you’ll find happiness. Nope, you can get to where you want to be without being miserable. And who really works out for 4 hours a day?! Not a sane human (only kidding, don’t get offended. I am just saying 4 hours is a bit of an overkill).

So, over the next few blogs I will touch on my top 6 subjects that have transformed my life and as we continue our journey together, I will get deeper into each subject. Each subject is complex, but I don’t want you to be overwhelmed. So, I will briefly touch on each one and then, dive deeper as we go and grow, together.

-       Simple Steps: the steps you can take daily that don’t seem obvious but become obvious. Or the steps we ignore, either way we are talking about them.  

-       Self-Care/Love: the thing we should do but never do but NEED to do.

-       Motivation: the kind of motivation you need, not the kind that goes in one ear and out the other. Not the fake, over the top, cheesy stuff.

-       Spiritual: the thing nobody wants to talk about in fear of stepping on someone’s toes but want to talk about it but keep it bottled in. Shout it from the rooftops, whatever your beliefs are.

-       Workouts: simple, easy workouts that don’t kill you but get you started in the right direction. And don’t get it twisted, it’s more than going to the gym and lifting some weights.

-       Recipes: simple, easy, delicious recipes that will have you forgetting you wanted to go eat that overly priced fast food meal that only makes you feel guilty later.

-       In-betweens: sometimes you’ll find I get off subject, but I always come back. So, bear with me and get ready for a fun, exciting and thrilling ride. Remember I hold nothing back. If you are easily offended, these in-betweens may not be for you (this makes 7 subjects to discuss now, instead of 6. So, buckle up I just keep adding to the list).

I look forward to diving into each of these subjects with you. I am not your normal motivator. I am a realistic, broken human who just wants to help others the best she can (even if that means being a little forward and harsh). This is my journey and I am here to get you in-tune with who you really are and what you can really accomplish. Stop selling yourself short and start thriving to the hundredth and tenth degree. Nobody is going to do this for you, you must make the decision to start. Start with me, now. Right now. And don’t ever look back.
