Welcome To Simply Healthy Fit.

Welcome to The Simply Healthy Fit Blog. My name is Monica and I am so excited you have decided to go on this journey with me. Living healthy doesn’t have to be boring, hard or confusing. It is quite simple, and I am here to, hopefully, help guide you in your own journey through sharing my experiences. I know what you are thinking, great another blog that tells me exactly what I should be eating, how to workout and give me some motivational quotes, that are suppose to change my life. Simply Healthy Fit is more than that. While I will be sharing those things, I will be diving deeper into what really creates a healthier, happier life.

I am not here to give you a step by step guide and if you follow it exactly you will find success. There is no step by step guide. There is no magic pill. There is no one step workout and you have your “dream” body. It comes from the inside. It comes from you deciding you want to make a change and then, making small steps to make those changes and never looking back. It is more than eating right and working out. It comes with taking care of yourself mentally, physically, spiritually and all the in-betweens that come along with those things.

The number one thing that leads to failure (in my opinion) is comparing ourselves to others and those non-realistic celebrities who love to tell us they hardly workout and eat whatever they want but have the “perfect” body (currently rolling my eyes and yelling “lies”). STOP RIGHT NOW. Stop comparing yourself to others. We were all created differently, and, to me, that is the most beautiful thing about this world. We are all different, unique and beautiful in our own special ways. It is time you start embracing that. The moment you start realizing your worth and loving yourself is the moment your life is going to change.

This is all about a lifestyle change, not a diet or 3-month subscription and going right back to your old ways. This is about creating a healthy lifestyle and living out that lifestyle for the rest of your life. Each journey and lifestyle are different, but through simple steps you can create the perfect one for you. I am here to share my journey through honesty and vulnerability. I am holding nothing back. And hopefully, through my honesty and vulnerability you can find the motivation, encouragement and inspiration to start your own lifestyle change. The change that makes you better in all aspects of your life -healthier mindset, healthier habits, healthier relationships, the list could go on and on. So, step into this journey with me and get ready to change your life in the most amazing ways possible. Let’s get healthy together!

A few things to look forward to:

-       Simple, Delicious Recipes

-       At Home Workouts

-       Positive Self-Care Habits

-       Creating Spiritual Strength

-       Learning how to move on from past hurts and pain

-       Leaving behind toxic people

-       Creating healthy friendships

-       Products that work and don’t work

