Life Update.

Where have I been? That’s a good question.
I have not blogged in so long. I took an extended break.
I am officially back, and I think it’s only appropriate to start with an update.
Update on my life, update on where I am, update on where I am going.
Grab your morning cup of coffee and get cozy because here we go…

Last year was one of the BEST years of my life.
I was offered a new job opportunity at my school.
I got engaged then I decided to plan a wedding in 10 months.
I got married in November of 2022. Happiest day of my life.

If you know me and you know my story, I have never had the best luck in relationships and I was fully prepared to spend life alone. After a phsyically and emotionally abusive relationship, I was DONE with relationships for a while. I was content, I was happy, and I was thriving in my little one-bedroom apartment with my best mate and pup, Khloe. I was going on a few sporadic dates, but nothing ever came of them. I looked at it as, ‘okay, I went on the date. I did what I was supposed to. Can I get back to me now?’

Wonderful mindset, I know. But hey, I was focused on me for once. I was going to therapy, started regularly attending church again and getting involved, I was spending more time with family and friends, got a new job, and I was dedicated to growing my brand (which I still am but a different fire and passion lies there now). I finally stopped worrying about finding “the one” and just started living. God has always known the desires of my heart, to be a wife and mom, but it was not in the cards for me…yet.

Fast forward and wow, did God answer my prayers or what? He sent me my wonderful husband and an amazing bonus daughter. He gave me new opportunities in life that I did not think I wanted or was ready for. He gave me confidence that I never knew I could have. He gave me my voice back. He took my hand and lead me to where I was meant to be, and He still has so much planned for me. It was just a matter of me letting go of the control and giving it all to Him.

All this to say, I am living a life I have always prayed for. God does amazing things for those who believe in His plan; even the bad that comes along with that plan. I am grateful for every moment that has led me right to where I am. That is not to say it’s been easy. Let me tell you I have seen beyond rock bottom and some days I still get triggered and hide in my little shell. Other days I am thriving and on cloud 20. For the rest of my life, I will experience good days, bad days, and in-between days just like you will. It is part of life and how we handle each moment says the most.

I have a different perspective on life now which means my blogs may sound and read differently. I am okay with that because I am a wife. I am a bonus mom. I am a preschool teacher. I am a blogger. I am a business owner. I am a friend, daughter, niece, and the list goes on. But most importantly, I am me. As the seasons change, so do we. I want to take you on that journey with me. I want to share my experiences. I want to share my knowledge. I want to continue being honest with you and hopefully, inspire you through real, raw moments.

Real and raw moments of marriage, motherhood, working and maintaining a household, being a businesswoman while still keeping my family my #1 priority, staying motivated, staying focused, and whatever else comes up in this crazy thing we call life. We cannot predict the future but it sure helps to have someone who understands that life does not always work out how it should but there is always something to learn in every moment. Each moment, good or bad, happens for a reason and it’s important we don’t take them for granted. Be real, be raw, be you -my life motto.

So, here’s to 2023 and new beginnings. Same me just in a different season of life. Every week will be a new blog, workout, recipe, and self-care tip. Every week will be me sharing what’s on my mind. You may relate, you may not relate and be waiting for the next blog to come out to see what else I have to give or offer. Either way thanks for sticking with me this last year. I know I was MIA. It may have felt like I gave up on something that fuels my soul. I didn’t though. I wanted to give all my attention to moments that I had been praying for and really living in each one because I knew I would never get it back.

It feels good to be back. It feels good to be sharing what I am so passionate about and that’s creating a healthy lifestyle you love, and don’t forget that looks different for everyone. What matters is that you wake up and keep going every single day. You don’t give up the good fight of whatever you may be facing. You keep pushing ahead even on the hard days.

Remember, we are in this together. Let’s keep creating the life we were destined for, one day at a time. You totally got this. I totally got this. We totally got this.