
Let’s talk boundaries -

What are boundaries?
What do boundaries look like?
Are my boundaries too much?
Do I not have enough boundaries?

Boundaries, boundaries, boundaries.

Boundaries are areas that you draw a strict line in the sand with people, places, or things that are necessary for your overall health and well being (my definition). Boundaries create a safe place for you to be able to exist as your most authentic self without the hinderance of other people, places, or things trying to bring you down. I like to think of it as necessary steps to take in order to be set free from past traumas, hurt, manipulation, and abuse of all kinds. When you start setting boundaries you will start to see a shift in your energy, mindset, and health. Boundaries don’t work unless you stand firm and stick to them. You can never have too many boundaries. Your boundaries are just that, yours.

Personally, I am all about boundaries.
I live for setting boundaries because I have seen the positive impact it has made in my life.
I have gained a whole new perspective and gained even more confidence.
Confidence in who I am and what I do and do not allow in my life.

I have boundaries set in place for certain people in my life.
I have boundaries set in place for certain things in my life.
I have boundaries set in place for certain environments in my life.
And I, absolutely, do not budge on these boundaries.

Setting boundaries for people in my life is big for me. I have ZERO tolerance for negativity, toxic behavior, manipulation, and abuse in any form. I stand firm in who I allow in my life and the people that I care about. I will not put up with mistreatment of any kind. Boundaries will be set until behavior is changed. Apologies are great but mean nothing without changed behavior. Read that again…apologies are great but mean nothing without changed behavior. This is so important to remember when setting boundaries with people in your life. It does not matter who they are family, friends, co-workers, acquaintances, etc. If someone is displaying behavior you do not like and it effects your wellbeing, it is time to set boundaries. YOU are what is most important. YOU are what matters. YOU get to decide. Do not let someone tell you, your boundaries are too much. Boundaries are never too much when it comes to your overall health and wellbeing. Set boundaries, stick to them, stand strong, be brave, and do not budge for those who feel they are better than you or above you. They will either get right or get left right outside of those boundary lines.

Setting boundaries for places and things looks a little different from setting boundaries with people but overall, still the same. Boundaries look different for every situation. I set boundaries for the places I will go. If I feel like it will be unsafe, things will be taking place I am not comfortable with, or certain people will be a problem to me by going then I will not go. I will look at what is best for me and that means looking at the boundaries I have already set in place to make me feel safe and in my best mental head space. If you feel like you are in fight or flight mode that probably means boundaries need to be set and/or reexamined. When it comes to places and things, do not ever feel like you have to go or do something you do not want to do. It is okay to say “no” and if people judge you or belittle you for that, it’s time to look at setting boundaries for them as well.

Boundaries will forever be part of my vocabulary because I have seen what setting boundaries can do for me.
Surround yourself with people, places, and things that lift you up.
Be confident in who you are. Be confident in what you need. Be confident in all that you do.
Do not let someone tell you your boundaries are too much. They are too much for them because they feel threatened.
Do not allow toxic behavior, manipulation, negativity, or abuse into your life.
Let these boundaries be ones you set because it is what best for you and not what is best for others.

It’s time we stop worrying about what others think of you or how they view you and remember who you are. Stay true and authentic to yourself. Those who care will meet you where you are at and be respectful of you and your boundaries. Those who don’t will do what they can to see you fall. Those who don’t care will continue to do the devils work, don’t let them win. It’s okay to cut out what you need to cut out and keep what you want to keep. It’s okay to set boundaries, stand tall, and take nothing from nobody.

Be brave.
Be confident.
Be fearless.
Most importantly, be true to you.