Love Yourself Right Where You Are.

Love yourself right where you are -this is one of the most important parts of your journey into a life of health, happiness and wellness.

Self-love is where it all starts. You cannot fully step into your best self until you realize your worth.
You are important. You are valued. You are worthy of everything amazing this world has to offer you.
The only thing stopping you? Your self-doubt. Your worries. Your negative self-talk.

You are your only obstacle. Read that again. YOU ARE YOUR ONLY OBSTACLE.

Stop worrying about what others think or will think of you.
Stop stressing over what hasn’t happened.
Stop doubting your worth and potential.
Stop the negative self-talk that consumes your daily thoughts.

It is vital to learn to love yourself right where you are. Right in this exact moment. Who you see when you look in the mirror, yup love that person with your whole heart and soul. Imagine that person you see in the mirror achieving, believing and living life to the full extent.

It is easy for us to point out our own flaws and missteps. It is easy to let those flaws and missteps define who we are. We let others define us by those same exact things. But what would life look like if you chose to see the beauty and goodness in yourself? If you chose to ignore what others said and finally put yourself first?

I will tell you, it is an amazing step in a wonderful journey ahead. A journey of self-love and appreciation for who you are and who you are becoming. Will it be easy? Nope. You’ll fall back into the same old habits a time or two. I know I have and that’s okay. It happens. Who cares? KEEP FUCKING GOING.

Learning to love yourself right where you are will bring you new opportunities, blessings and happiness you have yet to experience. I promise you. How do I know? Because I have experienced it myself. I am walking proof that when you shift your mindset, change your habits and find a new level of love for yourself things start to fall right into place. Things start to happen.

So keep fighting the good fight. Keep walking out your truth. Love yourself fiercely and live unapologetically. This is your life and you deserve all the good things. Manifest your goals and dreams. Manifest goodness into your life. Start right now, right here.

You totally got this.