Keep Your Expectations High.

Keep Your Expectations High.

Expectations, we all have them -we have them for ourselves, for others, for work, our relationships, etc. But you may find yourself slowly letting go of those, slowly giving excuses as to why you need to lower them. Some may say you’ve set them too high. Some may say you have set them too low. Some may say these expectations are why you are unhappy in certain areas of your life. They may, also, say drop all your expectations and just let life be what it is. I am here to tell you that is the most ridiculous advice. Do not settle in anything you do -keep your expectations high.

The expectations you have set for yourself should be ones that inspire, encourage and motivate you. They may even scare you a little bit and that’s okay, they should. You only have one life, do not settle for mediocre dreams, goals or people. This life was never guaranteed to be easy -it was meant to challenge you, develop and grow you in ways you could never imagine or thought possible. You will stumble, you will fall and occasionally might hit rock bottom or close to it. But the expectations you have set for yourself is what gets you going again. It’s what clears your vision when your vision has been blurred by the pains of the world. The moment you drop those expectations is the moment you find yourself a little lost, because what are you fighting for at that point? No matter how hard life may seem or get, don’t drop yourmexpectations you have set for yourself. You may have to adjust but don’t ever give up.

The expectations you have set for others is not unrealistic or invalid. It is so vital to have expectations for others that choose to be a part of your life for your overall health and peace. People say all the time expectations lead to disappointments; I couldn’t disagree more. Expectations show you the truth. The truth isn’t always beautiful, the truth can get ugly and hurt. Expectations are not something you should apologize for and nobody should make you feel guilty for having them. Do not let others ever play a part-time roll in your life. If they aren’t willing to step up to the plate, let them go. Never settle for anything less than you deserve. If you are constantly having to validate your feelings and having to “remind” those who care for you what you need as a human, and they ignore it, please show them the door. The ones who care for you don’t need to be constantly told because when they care enough, they hear you the first time. Will it be easy to say goodbye?
No, but sacrificing your peace for someone who doesn’t care about your peace is NOT worth it. Ever.

Life is short, we only have so long. So, please hear me when I say do NOT ever settle. Do not lower your expectations. Expectations do not lead to disappointment; expectations lead to the life you’ve always dreamed of. When you lower the standards, you have for yourself and others, you’re going to find yourself stagnant and miserable. You will find yourself in the same spot the rest of your life -ask yourself right now, are you happy with where you are? And, be honest.

This is your life -keep your expectations high.

Lily McCleary Photography

Lily McCleary Photography