If Not Now, Then When?

Excuses, time, relationships, stipulations -all things we allow to get in our way, that stop us from living out our best lives. Stop us from reaching our full potential. Stop us from being our best. Why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we allow the simplest of obstacles get in the way of our dreams, goals and aspirations? We like to say “tomorrow” and tomorrow ends up becoming next week, next month, next year. Before we know it “tomorrow” becomes never and we find ourselves in a stagnant place. We find ourselves unhappy with who we are, angry with where we are at and disappointed in what we’ve accomplished or lack there of. If not now, then when? When are you going to stop with the excuses and get to getting? When are you going to say enough is enough and start now?

Your overall health CANNOT wait. Your health is so important to who you are in this life. If you are not taking care of who you are mentally, physically, socially, spiritually then you are going to continue to feel stuck and not enough for yourself or others. You are important, your health is important. You have to starting making yourself a priority. Start right now -evaluate where you are at and what truly needs work. Mentally feeling drained? Assess what has you there. Physically not good? Come up with a plan, and when you fail keep going anyways. I don’t care that it’s a Tuesday or mid-day Friday, START NOW. Socially drained? Figure out who is worth it and who isn’t -maybe those you are surrounding yourself with are your roadblocks. Spiritually lost? Ask yourself why. What made you cut that part out of your life and how can you rebuild. It all starts with being honest with yourself.

Finding yourself in relationships that no longer serve you but can’t give up because giving up means you failed. You are failing right now by staying. You are failing yourself by staying and surrounding yourself around people who do not add to your life. You are stuck because you are choosing to stunt your growth to water others. You cannot be the only one trying, you cannot be the only one giving your all while others reap the benefits. Life is too short to surround yourself with half-ass love, promises, effort and half-ass people who are half-ass there. It’s hard to walk away, but isn’t it harder to stay, still feel alone and stunt your growth?

Stop giving yourself stipulations -when I reach a certain point in my career, I will start to focus on this. Or when I accomplish this, I will start to do that. Stop giving yourself this and that ultimatums. Start right fucking now and manifest what you believe to be true. You can accomplish anything you set your mind to. You don’t have to be in a certain place in your life to start. Again, these are excuses that you are allowing to control your destiny. Be who you know you are and grow in small or big ways every day. Stop with the Monday’s, stop with the perfect time or whatever it is that is keeping you where are. You will find yourself never being satisfied. Please remember, no time is the right time but we can make it the right time. We can choose to do what we want anyways. BE YOUR BEST YOU RIGHT NOW. Choose you.

I hope you choose you, your goals and dreams every single day. I hope you stop putting off your life, your health, your happiness. I hope you choose to start right now, right where you are. I hope you choose to embrace yourself, to love yourself and know you are right where you need to be to start. It’s scary but isn’t that the point? Aren’t your goals suppose to shake you, terrify you and get you off your ass? You can do this, I know you can. Doesn’t matter what you’ve been through but what you choose to do with what you’ve been through. Let it grow you and push you to be better. Let it water you and blossom you into who you know you were meant to be despite all the bad shit. You are a badass, you are worthy and you can kickass at this life. But it starts with starting. I’ll leave you with this…if not now, then when?

Lily McCleary Photography

Lily McCleary Photography