I Am Thankful I Didn't End Up With What I Wanted.

I am beyond thankful that I didn’t end up with what I thought I wanted, with what I thought was best for me. I am thankful I didn’t end up with the boy who I thought I was going to marry. I am thankful I didn’t continue with friendships that proved to be toxic. I am thankful for learning how to create healthy boundaries. I am thankful didn’t end up where I wanted because had I ended up with what I thought was best, I wouldn’t be where I am today -and where I am is a beautiful place. The beautiful place I am in is a strong reminder that even in the bad times, even in the times I am crying, screaming and filled with rage because “why can’t things just work out the way I was hoping”, life is good. Life has blessed me more than it should have and continues to send blessings my way.

I am thankful that the boy (I use the term boy because he never fully grasped how to be a man) I thought I was going to marry, didn’t up being the “one” for me. I am thankful life steered me in a different direction. That I found the strength and love for myself to walk away, when what I was giving wasn’t being given to me in return. That life lesson I have carried with me as I continue forward. That life lesson broke me, I never thought I would be myself again. I was lost and hit rock bottom. But I, also, look at that life lesson and am thankful for all that it taught me. The strength that it gave me and the power I found within myself to rise again.

I am thankful for cutting toxic people out of my life. I am thankful for the healthy boundaries I have learned to create with myself and others. Toxic people will drain you and without certain boundaries you start to become a slave to the toxic in your life. You slowly start to lose yourself over time, and you don’t even realize it until you’re too far in. I am thankful I realized my worth as a friend, and the people who didn’t deserve it. I am thankful I learned to walk away and moving forward, created healthy boundaries for myself and others.

I am thankful I never ended up with what I thought was best for me because I wouldn’t have what I do today. I wouldn’t be who I am today. I wouldn’t be strong, courageous and fearlessly independent. I wouldn’t have followed my dreams. I would have never gone back to school. I would have never found my voice. I would have never created a business, that I dreamt of. I would have never started to travel. I would have never stepped out on my own -even when I fall, I have the strength to rise because I have overcome so much more.

You see, life works out just as it should and while we have a hard time accepting that and not questioning every outcome, we need to keep the faith because that is all you can really do. So, the next time you look at your life, look at all the wonderful blessings life has thrown your way. Do you have everything you want? Probably not. Do you have everything you need in this moment? Yes, yes you do. It all comes down to perspective and mindset, and you need to change both if you plan on surviving this unpredictable thing, we call life. Things don’t always work out the way we want but let’s be damn thankful it works out exactly as it should.

Lily McCleary Photography

Lily McCleary Photography