End of a Decade, Beginning of a New Year.

New Decade.

A new year is here, a new decade begins. It’s time to create new goals and overcome the fears that have been holding us back. It’s a time we reflect and look back on all our past mistakes, and vow not to make those new mistakes going into the new year, the new decade. We make the statement, “new year, new me”. We are ready to take a stand, start living our best lives and swear we will never go back to our old selves again.

Can we get honest for a moment? Okay, great! That’s not how it works, not how any of it works. The 24 hours from 2019 to 2020 doesn’t automatically change who you are. I am not trying to burst your bubble, but it takes more than 24 hours to make true changes in your life. It’s great to take the time to reflect, create goals, new plans, etc. But if you think doing all that automatically means all the bad times are in the past and you finally get to live the perfect life you dreamed of, think again. It’s going to take work and a lot more time of reflection than what 24 hours can give to you. We create unrealistic goals and futures for ourselves, that the first time we fail we go right back to the same old habits, and then question why life stays the same. Life stays the same because we think that things should just be given to us instead of working for them. Those goals you created don’t happen overnight -they take actual work and you have to be prepared to fail at them a few times.

It is great to want to better yourself, in all areas of your life -mental, physical, spiritual, etc. It’s great to want more for yourself -career, relationships, friendships, etc. It’s great to create a plan to accomplishing a better life for yourself. 10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1..did life change for you just now? I am going to assume your answer it no, just like the countdown at midnight is not going to change your life, miraculously. Your mindset walking into the new year needs to be a mindset of hard-work, dedication and motivation to making all areas of your life better, no matter what it takes. That means when you fall for the 100th time, you get back up and you keep forging ahead. That means when your plan doesn’t exactly work out, you keep fighting for the end goal. That means when someone disappoints you, you don’t let it affect how you view yourself. That means letting go of timelines and giving your best every single day. That means showing up on the days you are exhausted, broken and feeling hopeless.

I encourage you as you enter in a new year, a new decade to not set unrealistic expectations on yourself. Be gentle with yourself. Be patient with your goals. Be okay with failing. Be humble in succeeding. Show up every day and never give up. Never give up on yourself, on your dreams and everything you imagine your life can be. It will take work, hard work. Some goals and dreams will happen easily for you. Others make take some sleepless nights, life lessons and tears. But it is all worth in the end. This new year, new decade I hope brings you many blessings and opportunities. I am on your side, I am cheering for you, I am your number one fan. I know you can accomplish all you set out to do. So, get after it and happy 2020!

Lily McCleary Photography

Lily McCleary Photography