Finding Your Why.

What is your why?

Everyone has one -it is a purpose or belief that drives us, every single day.

What is your purpose?
What makes you come alive?
How will you measure your life?

Knowing your why is an important first step in figuring out how to achieve your goals and create a life you enjoy living. The life you’ve always dreamed about. When you know your ‘why’ you’ll find the inner courage (that’s always been there) to take risks, stay motivated during the difficult times, and to move your life into a more exciting, challenging, and rewarding direction.

It’s important you aren’t sitting still in your right now.
It’s important you are making moves, no matter how small they may be.
It’s important to figure out your purpose and plan.

And it all doesn’t have to happen right now. You can take the time to figure it out. It is going to be a trial and error process. You are going to make mistakes along the way. You may question your ‘why’, your purpose, your plan, and all of that is okay. That’s what this life journey is all about. Take it one day at a time.

But if you are finding yourself stuck and unsure I encourage you to just start today. Start right where you are. Start understanding your ‘why’ and living it out every single day. Stop waiting for tomorrow. Stop waiting for a sign. Stop wishing. Just start doing.

Take the time each morning and evening to sit down with your ‘why’.
Answer the questions above and feel free to adjust your responses as needed.

Remind yourself why you are doing.
Remind yourself of your purpose.
Remind yourself of your plan.
Remind yourself of where you thrive the most.
Remind yourself of what makes you happy.

Mindset is key in realizing and understanding your ‘why’.
Negativity won’t get you to where you are going.
Positivity changes it all and will propel you forward.

Make today the day. Make today the day you change your life.
Make today the moment you decide to live. You’ve totally got this.
