Finding Your New Normal.

These past few weeks have been crazy to say the least. It feels like the world has been turned upside down and we truly are taking things day by day. We watch the news all day for the latest update on this virus and we go to sleep praying that this doesn’t last forever. We get anxious throughout the day, staying locked inside because we’ve been told that is what is best for our safety and health. We our finding our new normal by doing everything at home now -working, learning, teaching, etc. The goals we set for 2020 are distant now because we ask ourselves, “what’s the point?”.

There is a point, there is hope and there will be a time where everything goes back to normal. There will be a day we can go back to our regularly scheduled programming. Until that day though, I encourage you to remain optimistic. I encourage you to remind yourself of your “why” every single day. Life will always have challenges but that doesn’t mean give up on everything. Find your will to keep fighting for a better tomorrow, even if that means having to be at home for an extended period of time. Find the good in every day, no matter how hard that may be to do right now. It’s important you see the sunshine through the clouds. It’s important you don’t give up.

Every morning wake up with a plan -sit down, grab a cup of coffee and write yourself a “to get done” list, as I like to call it. It doesn’t have to be along list; the longer the list, the harder it may be to accomplish. Start small and build your way up just like with anything else you do. Your list can be anything you want it to be -morning praise, journaling, cooking a healthy breakfast, going for a walk, doing an at-home workout. It can literally be anything. Make your list full of things that bring out those good endorphins. Make that list with a positive mindset. Make that list with the intentions of it bringing out the best you, not the stressed you.

I encourage you to keep going in these questionable times. You can still stay on track with your goals, you just have to remain focused. When you are grocery shopping, you can still choose healthy options. Being stuck at home doesn’t mean to buy all the sugar and carbs. Stick with your regular eating routine. Find 30 minutes or an hour out of your day to still get your workout done -I have some you can do at home under my workouts tab or you can simply go for a 30 minute walk, get some fresh air. Take time at night to try out that new face mask you’ve been wanting to try. That book you’ve had sitting on your bookshelf? Open it up and commit to reading a chapter or two a day. The possibilities are endless -you only need to remain calm, breathe and know everything is going to be okay. Tough times don’t last forever but tough people do.
