Answering Your Questions.

I have been getting a lot of questions recently on my health and fitness journey, so I am here to answer some of those questions. Deciding to change my life wasn’t easy. Deciding to lead a healthier life wasn’t easy. Deciding to seek help for depression and anxiety wasn’t easy. Nothing was easy but it was worth it. It was worth the tears, hard work and heavy days. It was worth it because I came out on the other side when I didn’t think I ever would.

I am answering the most FAQ and if you ever want to know more you can always email me at -I am here to guide, encourage and inspire those around me in the best way I know how.

What made you start Simply Healthy Fit?
I started Simply Healthy Fit because I wanted to start a real, honest, no bullshit blog about what health and fitness really means. I learned through years of hard work, failures and successes that leading a healthy, happy life isn’t just about working out and eating right. It’s about having a good support system. It’s about being strong mentally and knowing your worth. I didn’t start SHF to sell people anything or make money, simply started it to share my journey in hopes that it would reach people who may feel discouraged or don’t know where to start. You can start right where you are, how you are. It’s a journey, you just have to be committed to taking a step forward each day no matter how many times you may fall.

How did you lose 45 pounds?
It took me 4 years to lose 45 pounds. You may be thinking that’s a long time. But I had a lot of setbacks and comebacks. It was a process for me, as it should be. I don’t believe in those weight loss scams -lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks or use this wrap and melt away your fat. I started working out and finding workouts that I enjoyed instead of it feeling punishment. I learned to choose healthier options and when I didn’t choose healthier options, I made sure to implement portion control. I started going to therapy and learning to love myself. If you don’t love yourself, you’ll never be proud of where you are or where you are going. You have to love who you are, work on those demons and get right with yourself. No amount of weight loss will make you happy until you’re truly happy with yourself.

Did you do a certain diet?
Let’s be honest, I have tried every diet and diet pill there is to try AND…it’s all bogus. You know what diet I am on? Choosing healthier options, portion control and not feeling guilty for have a slice of pizza or two. I hate the word diet. A diet is temporary, it may work for what you are trying to accomplish but once you stop, you go right back to where you were. You have to think of your eating choices as a lifestyle change. Instead of eating white bread, go for that wheat bread. Instead of having fries, have sweet potato fries. It’s all about the small choices and changes you make to your eating that make the most difference. And you don’t have to feel guilty when you do indulge because it happens. You make a better choice next time. So stop with the word diet, searching for the perfect diet, the diet pills and wraps. Those are temporary, commit to make a permanent lifestyle change.

How often do you workout?
I workout 3-5 times a week depending on my mood and how I am feeling. Some weeks I am really on top of it, some weeks I am exhausted and listen to my body. Sometimes, I do my own workouts and other times I like to try out a new workout class. I like to switch up what I do because I can get bored very easily. It’s all about finding what you like and what works for you. Trial and error. I find myself to get a better workout in when I am working out with people because they push me to my limits which I need. So, wherever you start just start. Take a 30 minute walk every evening and build from there. Or do a quick 20 minute workout DVD. Whatever you have to do, do it and make it a habit. It’s hard to start but once you get started, it gets easier.

How much would it cost for me to ask you to send me workouts, healthy eating options and encouragement?
ZERO DOLLARS. Like I have said before leading a healthier, happier life is my passion. I am passionate about making the most out of this life. If you don’t know where to start or how to, I am here to hopefully help you through my own personal experience and testimony. I believe sharing what I have been through, who I once was and who I am today is important. I think it’s relatable to the average person because I am an average person trying to do incredible work and things for those around me and those I may not know. I am a no nonsense kind of person who wants to make a difference in any way I can. I know what it’s like to be at the lowest of lows and not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I know what it’s like to be alone, scared and broken. So, if I can be a voice of encouragement or inspiration in the simplest of ways, I want to do just that. I want to be here for the real, raw, uncensored side of this health and wellness journey you may be on or wanting to start. I am your number one fan, cheering you from the sidelines every step of the way.
