Motivational Shit (sorry for the language -again if you get offended easily this may not be the blog for you).

Motivation is where it all starts, or at least for me it did. I woke up with the motivation one day to make a change. I woke up one day with the motivation to try. I woke up one day with enough motivation to say, “NO MORE”. That doesn’t mean that is all it took for me to change my life and now, here I am healthier and happier than ever. No mistakes. No hiccups. No taking 5 steps forward to only take 20 back. No binge eating, crying or feeling worthless. Oh, all those things happened and occasionally still do but isn’t that the great thing about the journey? I can look back and say, “Despite it all, I still had the motivation to keep going and I am still going”. Those down moments don’t define you, they help shape you. Then, you will have all up moments to only be met again by the down. You are probably sitting here asking yourself, “isn’t she supposed to be motivating me?”. Let’s not forget, I am here to be completely 100 % honest with you. I am not here to feed you some bullshit and tell you it’s going to be all daisies and sunshine once you find your motivation and life will be forever changed. Don’t get me wrong, once you do find your motivation your life will change -some moments will be hard, and most moments will be the most amazing moments of your life.

I started this lifestyle change because I was unhappy. I was unhappy with the way I looked, the way I felt and the way I was treating myself. I wanted a change and I knew that change could only come from the moment I decided it was time to make a change. My motivation came from wanting more, wanting more for myself. I was holding myself back by allowing myself to fall into a black hole of nothingness. So, where did I find my motivation to get going and keep going after all my failed attempts?

I pulled motivation from everywhere. I found motivational quotes that I could put on my phone background, that would serve as reminder of where I was headed and where I wanted to be. I posted motivational quotes all over my apartment -post-it notes on my bathroom mirror, post-it notes on my bedside stand to wake up to, you name it a motivational quote was there. Honestly, those little reminders kept me going even on the days I said, “F YOU MOTIVATONAL QUOTE, F YOU.” (because let’s be honest, we all have those days). But this was just the start, all the motivational quotes to turn to.

Next, I told people about my goals (the important people, those closest to me). We aren’t just telling everyone our goals because not everyone wants to see you succeed, so be careful of who you share your deepest wants with. It is always great to have the people you love motivating you and encouraging you in your new journey. My people, my tribe would send me motivational messages, and sometimes those messages weren’t what I wanted to hear but what I needed to hear. Don’t surround yourself with “yes” people, they will get you nowhere. Surround yourself with those who motivate you even when you want to punch them in the face.

Motivation is a tricky subject. It comes and it goes. It never is always there and some days you have to fight really hard to keep it. But that’s the thing, FIGHT FOR IT. It won’t be easy, and I am not trying to tell you it is. Now you are thinking, “isn’t this called SIMPLY healthy fit?” (and please emphasize simply). Yes, you are correct. Simply is there because most aspects of this new lifestyle changes are quite simple, we just like to make it more difficult for ourselves. So, I am here to give you SIMPLE steps in order to get started. I am here to give you SIMPLE advice to help you get going. I am here to give you SIMPLE ideas to show you, it doesn’t have to be hard to make your change. Again, that doesn’t mean you won’t find hard times but with SIMPLE tips and advice you can change your perspective when those moments come up.

So, here are your 3 simple challenges for the week:

-       Find 5 motivational quotes and post them throughout your living space. I know what you are thinking, CHEESY. You’ll be surprised when you need that extra motivation and nobody is around, what those motivational quotes can do for you.

-       Find 3 people who are truly your people. Tell those people about your goals and be open about the help you are looking for. I told my people, “look, kick my ass in gear when I need it and that will be all the time. Appreciate you, mean it, thanks”.

-       Write down your WHY. Why you decided to start. Why you decided you needed to make a change for a better. What gave you the motivation to start. What motivation you’ll need to keep going. Let it all out, on paper. When we write down our goals and put it out into the universe wonderful things start to happen. And plus, you can look back at it when you are having one of those difficult days.

Enough of my ranting, raving and motivating. It is time to get going. Complete your 3 simple challenges and check back in with yourself frequently. Repeat these steps as often as needed and remember, motivation will come and go but never stop trying. Hang on tight and get ready to fight to keep that motivation around. Motivation will keep you going, I promise. Don’t give up on it.
