Simple Steps. Starting doesn’t have to be hard and continuing doesn’t have to be difficult. Wake up each day with a simple plan and simple actions. The more you complicate this journey, the more difficult it will be for you to find success, to reach those goals. So, don’t complicate it, don’t overthink and just be present in the moment. But don’t be stagnant, be present, proactive and mindful. You cannot sit in the same place and expect changes to happen. Let’s talk about the simple steps and actions you can take to create a healthier lifestyle for yourself.

First, make a vision board. For me, vision boards are a way for you to visually see and be reminded of your goals, dreams and aspirations. Goals for a better life, a healthier life and a prosperous life. This vision board doesn’t have to be extravagant; it can be quite simple. Again, don’t complicate this journey. Things you may need -cork board, magazines, paper, fun pens or markers, scissors and possibly tape or thumb tacks (however you are going to stick those goals and dreams on that board). Side note -magazines are for you to find motivational words or quotes -they are not for you to pick a model and lust after his/her body. STOP NOW. We are not putting photoshopped images on our vision board, only to be discouraged more than encouraged. Anyways, back to the project. Get started now. I, personally, created categories on my vision board -physical, mental, spiritual, travel and miscellaneous (this one included working on relationships with others, among other things). 5 simple categories with 3 goals underneath each one. I won’t provide the goals I put under each category because I want you to find your own. Take your time (as long as you need, do not rush this step) and really figure out what you are after and where you are headed. Base your goals off that. Don’t put this part off, and once you complete this step hang your vision board where you can see it every morning, afternoon and evening. It’s good to be reminded of the good, and to be reminded of where we are headed.

Second, start with one goal at a time. You do not need to overwhelm with yourself in trying to accomplish every goal at the same time. Again (because I do and will say this a lot), do NOT set unrealistic goals. That is setting yourself up for failure and why would you want to do that to yourself. I am not saying you won’t experience failure in your journey but don’t set yourself up for it. Take a moment, look at the vision board you just created and figure out where you want to start. You can start in any area of your vision board, but you have to start. You may start, fail, start and fail again. You may start, succeed and move on to the next one. But whatever you do, wherever you find yourself do not give up. Some goals will be easier than others and some goals, you will be digging, clawing, scratching your way to the finish line. Don’t let the fight scare you, because in the end it will all be worth it.

Third, find yourself along the way. Do not forget to understand who you are and your purpose in this life. We can get so distracted by our goals that we can forget to love ourselves and forgive ourselves. Do not let goals become who you are, they are here to guide you into a healthier relationship with yourself and with what you are trying to accomplish. Do not get to so wrapped up in the idea that your goals are the only things that matter. Goals and dreams cannot be reached unless you are taking care of yourself along the way. That means understanding you are unique, you are beautiful, you are worthy, and you are capable of a prosperous, undeniably good life. If you do not know who you are, how can you set goals for yourself that best fit who you are and where you are headed? You cannot. You must have a good understanding of who you were, who you are now, who you are becoming and building a healthy relationship with each self. YOU. You are so important and until you understand that, nothing else matters. So maybe this should be the first step in our journey to a healthier you? I don’t know, I don’t have all the answers and I don’t claim to have them. But this is a very vital step in your journey. Wherever you put this step, first or last, know you have to do it. You have to find a way to forgive your past self, love yourself now and embrace who you are becoming. Take the time to sit with yourself -journal, mediate, whatever it takes. Learn who you are, learn what has strengthened you, learn from mistakes and embrace the beautiful mess you are.

P.S. “mess” is not meant in a negative connotation here. Mess, to me, simply means we all go through things and while life can be chaotic it can still be beautiful in the mess, in the chaos that is inevitable in life.

Lily McCleary Photography

Lily McCleary Photography