Juice Cleanse.

Squeezed Online Juice Cleanse Experience

I get so many questions every time I post about being on a juice cleanse. So, I am here to share all the benefits, information, helpful tips and the not so glamorous side of doing a juice cleanse. Like with everything else their are pros and cons but overall, I find great success during and after my cleanse.

Where do you get your juices from?
- I get my juices from Squeezed Online. I have my own juicer and juice my own blends regularly, but when I want to take part in a multi-day cleanse I turn to Squeezed. It’s affordable, they deliver and I love what they produce.

Where do I start? It’s so overwhelming looking at it all.
- I totally understand. If you are trying a juice cleanse for the first time it can be very overwhelming; figuring out how many days to do it, what cleanse to do and when you drink each juice. So let me break it down, I always suggest a 2-3 day cleanse to start off with. Start simple and eventually you can build your way up to 5 or 7 days. Next, you want to choose the cleanse that best works for you. I typically go with the regular cleanse because it has an even amount of fruits and veggies. There are other options available that are more vegetable based or ones that spice up your juices. It all depends on your taste buds and only you know them best! Finally figuring out which juice to drink and when. The bottles are labeled 1-5 (minus the Cashew Milk and I’ll get to that later), you drink the bottle labeled 1 first and you continue on.

How many hours do I leave between drinking each bottle?
- Honestly, totally up to you. I space out my juices for every 3 hours and in-between have 16 oz. of water. But again, up to you. Don’t wait until you get a hunger pain but make sure you plan out your day to get each juice in.

How much water do I drink while on the cleanse?
- As stated above, I drink 16 oz. of water between each juice. Doesn’t seem like a lot but it’s just enough for me. I always recommend drinking at least 16 to 24 oz. of water between each bottle. It is so vital you stay hydrated during a cleanse, plus the water aides in flushing out the extra toxins.

Can I eat during a juice cleanse?
- The point of a cleanse is to give your insides a makeover. That means allowing the juice to clean out your gut, restart your metabolism and aide in healthy weight-loss. I do not recommend eating during a cleanse but if you feel you need something, I always recommend grabbing a piece of fruit or fresh veggies. No extra added anything (example: dressings, salt, pepper, etc). Keep it as clean as possible!

What is the Cashew Milk for?
- The Cashew Milk is for after physical activity. I don’t have as an intense workout as I typically do when not juicing but I do stay active on a lower scale. The Cashew Milk has a little bit more substance than the regular juices do. You do not have to drink it but I do recommend it, especially if you are feeling a little extra hungry because you probably will.

Can I workout during a juice cleanse?
- You absolutely can workout during a cleanse but don’t overdue it, listen to your body. My workouts can be pretty intense, so when I am on a juice cleanse I stick with light cardio. I take time away from all the weights and body weight workouts, and focus on what my body is telling me. I stick with a quick jog or brisk walk around a park.

Will I lose a lot of weight?
- Here’s the thing, a juice cleanse is meant to restart your entire system. It’s meant to clean out your gut and help you start fresh in your health journey. Juice cleanses are not for massive weight loss, you will lose some extra pounds and feel a little bit lighter and more refreshed but you are not meant to drop to your goal weight after a cleanse. I have friends who have lost 8-10 pounds from their first cleanse, which is amazing but it’s up to you to choose healthier and wiser options moving forward after a cleanse to help you reach your destination. Again, everyone is different and you will find different results for yourself but don’t think you are gonna drop 50 pounds after 1 day. Not realistic and also, not healthy.

Am I gonna get diarrhea?
- Haha yup, I get this question a lot and it’s absolutely a valid question. My answer is this, everyone is different, everyone’s body operates in its own special way. You will experience bowel movement but to what capacity I cannot tell you because again, you know your body best and how it reacts to certain foods and drinks. So, take it one day at a time.

What do I eat after a juice cleanse?
- You will want to start lite with your foods and keep it as clean as possible. Remember you started this juice cleanse to help you start a new journey into a healthier you. Don’t go back to eating the way you did because then you just wasted time, energy and money. Start with fresh fruits and vegetables, lean protein and healthy smoothie options for a replacement meal.

What am I going to get out of a juice cleanse?
- A juice cleanse helps restart your system. It aides in a healthy weight loss, restarts your metabolism, helps clean out toxins from your gut, provides you natural energy (not like coffee) and gives your body a chance to heal and recharge while providing you with key nutrients and vitamins. Also, I find my skin becomes a little bit more clear. My blemishes start to disappear, praise the juices.

I hope this gives you a better idea of what a juice cleanse is, what it is meant for and what to expect. If you have any questions feel free to find me on Instagram (_simplyhealthyfit), Facebook (simplyhealthyfit) or shoot me an email (simplyhealthyfit18@gmail.com). I would love to help you on your journey to becoming healthier, happier you.
