Fresh Bag of Brussel Sprouts
4-5 Medium Potatoes
Salt & Pepper
2 tbsp. Vegetable Oil or Olive Oil

Boil bag of Brussel Sprouts for 7-10 minutes.
Take out and let cool.
Slice Brussel Sprouts in half or however you like.
Transfer to sauté pan ( 1 tbsp. vegetable oil already in pan).
Cook an additional 7-10 minutes, over medium heat, seasoning with salt & pepper.

Peel, wash and dice potatoes.
Transfer to medium sauté pan (1 tbsp. vegetable oil already in pan).
Cook until potatoes are crispy and soft, while seasoning with salt & pepper.

*Like with any of my recipes, season to taste but don’t overdue it.

Mix brussel sprouts and potatoes together and enjoy with some chicken or meat of choice.
It really is that simple and healthy. Enjoy.
