Perfectly Imperfect.

Self-Care. Self-Love. Self-Worth.

This can be a difficult subject, but it is so important you find these things on your journey. It is vital that you know your worth, that you love yourself (unconditionally) and you take care of yourself. I want to take a moment to talk about all these things and the importance they hold in your journey to a healthier lifestyle. It is time to get honest and be open about what is holding you back and why you cannot seem to grasp that you are enough, in every aspect of your life.

Self-Love. You need to love yourself and accept yourself, fully. Stop picking yourself apart. Stop deciding that you only need to love certain parts of yourself. That is not how self-love works. Self-love is loving the imperfections. Self-love is about accepting that you are not perfect but loving yourself anyways. I am not saying that it does not require you to grow and flourish in new ways. You have to learn how to love yourself despite the ups and downs in life. You have to learn how to accept the imperfections and find strength in those imperfections. You have to learn how to show yourself the love you so rightfully you deserve, it doesn’t come from someone else. Start with accepting that you are not perfect, nobody is. We all have things we do not like about ourselves, but you need to learn that those imperfections are what make you, you. You are perfectly imperfect. Stop with the negative self-thoughts, stop with immediately looking at all the “wrong” things and start pointing out all the good. Practice looking in the mirror first thing in the morning and telling yourself all the things you love about yourself. All the things you are thankful for. All the GOOD things that make you, you. There is no other you and that is a beautiful thing.

Self-Worth. You need to learn that you are more than worthy of love, blessings and a prosperous life. It doesn’t matter what mistakes you have made -that is in the past and we aren’t looking that way. You are so worthy of anything and everything. You have to believe you deserve the world and give it to yourself. Stop relying on others to tell you what you deserve, what you are worth and what you can do. The opinions of others mean nothing when they are trying to hold you back. Often, we base what others think of us on what we give ourselves and that should never be the case. Understand that no matter where you are at in life, you are worthy. You are worthy in every moment, in every trial, in every success…YOU ARE WORTHY. Until you start to understand that you are enough in every moment, you will never fully blossom into who God created you to be. So, blossom, flourish, grow, do what you have to do to understand your worth and live it out daily. Walk into a room and let everyone know you are not determined by the world’s standards; you are determined by the worth that radiates off you. The love you have for yourself cannot be shaken by those who do not understand you. Do you, always.

Self-Care. This is the part where you live out that love and worth by learning to take care of yourself, by pampering yourself. Stop thinking you don’t deserve all the good things this world has to offer, and that includes the care you so desperately need to be able to give yourself. Self-care can include:

-       Giving yourself 15-20 minutes (increase time gradually) a day to do something you really enjoy. Start a new book, journal, meditate, draw, listen to your favorite record, etc. It doesn’t have to be anything big, just something small you enjoy but never allow yourself time to do.

-       Schedule yourself a massage. I know, it can be expensive and don’t always have money or time for that. I promise you have the money and time for that (unless, times are hard, and I completely understand that). But if you are spending money going out, drinking, eating, buying unnecessary materialistic things, maybe it is time to reevaluate where you are spending your hard-earned money. Stop spending money on those temporary fixes and spend money on healing your body. Massages are a great way for you to release toxins in your body and a time for you to relax -release all that tension you hold daily.

-       Facemasks or homemade face mask, either way give your face some much deserved loved. Fill the bathtub with warm water, maybe add a bath bomb, apply facemask and relax. Enjoy some you time. Honestly, it really is the simple things that can make you the happiest. Stop thinking the free time that you have always has to be spent with others. Enjoy taking care of yourself, everyone else can wait.

At the end of the day, you have to understand that you must take the time for yourself. Do things that fuels your soul. Do things that make you happy. Do things that help you relax. If you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, anxious, give yourself time to breathe. Easier said than done, I know. I get it. But you need to plan to start, start somewhere. Start creating healthy habits. The more you put the healthy things off, the farther you get from understanding your worth. Start with once a week self-care practice. Don’t overwhelm yourself. Set aside an hour every week to take care of yourself. Doesn’t seem like a long time but you have to start small. Remember, too much too fast and you are setting yourself up for failure (at least in my opinion). Instead of masking your worth in the world’s standards, start blooming and blossoming in your own love. You can do this. You got this. Start now.
